10 July 2010

Journaling in July - Page 2

This week, I lost one of my Sisters (not a blood relative, but one who was a member of a group of women on an online community I am a part of) to cancer. Her name was Padra. Her real name was Tricia. We all thought she had beat it. It was breast cancer. I remember some point last year, she had posted about having the breast reconstruction surgery done. And then just last week, or the week before, we all found out she was not doing well. She was moved to a hospice earlier this week and died the same day.

I barely knew this woman. And I cannot help but feel my life is worse for not having known her well; my life is worse because I will never get that chance. Those who knew her, though, always spoke of her smile. She had a smile for everyone. So my journal page this week is in her honour. I only wish that I was slightly more talented (or had any talent at all) when it came to visual arts.

For my Sister, Padra Sedai. The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home.

Happy home-going, Sister.


  1. Your journal page is wonderful, so meaningful and touching. I'm truly sorry to hear about your friend, who sounds beautiful (and obviously had the best taste in books). Such a pity we didn't have the One Power so we could Heal cancer :(

  2. Thank you, both for your kind words about Padra and your kind words about my page. :) Roisin, yes, the One Power would indeed have been helpful. :\

  3. Cancer is the plague of our age. It has touched almost everyone in one way or another. Sorry about your friend. It seems we are still in the dark ages when it comes to treating cancer, but they are making some progress. X.


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