14 July 2010

Blog Buttons

Okay, so I just realised, about 10 months into this blog :), that I don't have a place for my readers to leave their buttons! Don't I feel like a slacker? Yes, yes I do. Anyway, that's what this post is for.

If you want your button on my scrolling blogroll over there ------> leave the code in a comment, or a link to where I can find the code. And I'll add your button!


  1. I have your button on my blog and would love if you'd add mine to yours. Thanks : )

    I tried to attach the code, but the comment wouldn't let me. so, if you go to http://inannasstar.blogspot.com you can get my code there.

    Thanks again!

  2. I have your button and would be grateful if you added mine. You can find it at http://moonwolfhowling.blogspot.com!

  3. Hi, I would love to have my button here...
    Love you blog :-)


Leave a comment! I love hearing others' ideas! :)

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